Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank God It's Thursday Part 2

Its 5:11 p.m. Monday THANK YOU GOD! I had another full night of sleep and woke up this morning in the ZONE! Whenever I wake up in Zone…it is on an poppin…Let me explain…I ‘m Artist and the Zone is my creative center…It’s being with God and allowing him to speak to my mind…my heart…my body and my soul…I become one with whatever it is I am creating…It is a high like no other…and most times I am dumb struck when I see the gift that God has blessed me with…I’m like where did that come from? This was in me? I could do this?

Most times I cry when I am creating...I cry because I am both thankful and amazed at my gift…You see for a very long time I never really thought that there was anything special about me…Until now...When l God blessed me with the gift of art…You see my gift has allowed me to see myself...the inside of me…what I am holding onto and need to let go childhood wounds…un-forgiveness…anger…envy…shoulda coulda wouldas etc…But most importantly I am becoming the me that God wants me to be…and this is why I am no longer willin’ to fake the funk…

The same day that I posted “I Will No Longer Fake the Funk”…God shook me good and hard…as a matter of fact he brought me to my knees…made me cry…and had snot comin’ all out my nose…He did all of this so that I could have a “Breakthrough Thursday”.

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